Recent additions:
Mar 15-16 USDAA, Santa Rosa,
Catalog posted!Apr 24-25 NW3, Concord,
Premium! Opens Mar 11.May 16 UKI, Morgan Hill,
Premium! closes May 7May 17-18 USDAA, MorganHill,
Premium! Closes May 7How To Fold Tunnel Snuggers
(thanks, Ashby and Mike!)How To Roll Ring Fencing
(thanks, Bump!)
Coming soon:
Jun 5-8 UKI ICE event, Prunedale
July 5-6-7 USDAA, Prunedale: team!
Archived Bay Team News and Updates
01/08/2022: Final missive from Kathy Quiroz! "From the President's Corner" End Of Year Newsletter: Best wishes, certs.
Huge THANK YOU to outgoing board members Kathy Quiroz, David Kurtz, Scott Black, for two very tough years of tireless service!
12/31/2021: All of our hearts are pouring out to member Kathy Tyson over the loss of Spumoni on Monday/27th - young healthy talented adorable Spumoni: heads up everyone to be on the watch for deadly MUSHROOMS, after all this rainfall!
12/29/2021: Speedy recovery wishes to member Bev Serafica who has had to undergo another emergency surgery! Her friends have set up a GoFundMe site for her, since this has dealt a second life-changing blow to Bev.
12/27/2021: Thank you for your feedback about the December trial via the survey we sent out! Click here for a summary of the survey results.
12/15/2021: Election of 2022-2023 board members is completed, thank you for your interest and participation! We'd like to welcome our new Board members:
Gina Day will be the new President of Bay Team (departing her present position as a MAL),
Karey Krauter returns to the Board as Secretary,
Gwen Tatsuno and Carol Newman will bring a fresh new perspective as Members-at Large.
They join continuing board members VP Lisa White, treas Lloyd Silver, MAL's Susan Laursen and Carol Nash.
11/29/2021: November news from Kathy! "From the President's Corner" Final November Newsletter: December trial update, UKI, renewals.
11/28/2021: November news from Kathy! "From the President's Corner" Another November Newsletter: December trial update, UKI, renewals.
11/21/2021: General Meeting Agenda, Slides and Video now available on the About the Bay Team page.
11/17/2021: Please take the time to vote in our 2021 Election for Bay Team Board members to serve from 2022-2024. Candidate statements and a link to the ballot can be found on the website. You have until December 15 to cast your ballot. The announcement of the results will come soon after that date. For the members who specifically asked for a paper ballot, those are on the way.
11/16/2021: November news from Kathy! "From the President's Corner" November Newsletter: December trial update, UKI, renewals, general meeting.
11/15/2021: Congrats to Bay Teamers on the podium at the UKI Open in FL! (who did I miss? And lookit all of us that were in the top ten if not in the top 3!)
Biath Overall 16" 2nd: Chris Brew &Indi
Biath Overall 16S" 3rd: Megan Miller & Reckon
Biath Overall 20" 1st: Laura Pryse & Art3mis
Biath Overall 24" 3rd: Taner Dogan & Code
Nationals Finals 24" 3rd: Taner Dogan & Code
Masters Overall 16" 2nd: Chris Brew & Indi
Speedstakes Final 8" 3rd: Liza Buckner & Jefe
Games Challenge 8" 1st: Liza Buckner & Jefe
Games Challenge 20" 3rd: David Kurtz & Kyber
And what about Bay Teamers at the ASCA Nationals in TX! More congrats!
Veterans Finals 1st: Susan Laurson & Oliver
Elite HIT: Katrina Parkinson & Trillian
Winning 3-dog team: Jean Danver & Sage
10/25/2021: Congrats to Bay Teamers in the finals at Cynosports in TN!
GP 10" 3rd: Mitzi Keating & Dazzle
GP 16" 1st: Chris Brew & Indi (Natl GP Champ!)
GP 16": Jeanine Cowger & Brittan
GP 22": Ginny Carlson & Pixie
PGP 8" 4th: Loni Cummings & Jax
PGP 16" 6th: Jill Arenson & Wilson
STP 16" 1st: Chris Brew & Indi (Natl Stp Champ!)
STP 20" 3rd: Bob Daigle & Blew Bayou
BIATH 20" 1st: Bob Daigle & Blew Bayou (Nath Biath Champ!)
09/22/2021: September's news from Kathy! "From the President's Corner" June Newsletter: Summer trial recap and Board election news.
08/08/2021: Heads up regarding this updated policy on bay team certs expiration!
06/26/2021: Today's news from Kathy! "From the President's Corner" June Newsletter: July USDAA trial (including Friday fun runs and an update to our trial protocols, with California's re-opening), certificate expiration policy.
06/25/2021: Added Diversity, Equity and Inclusion statement to About the Bay Team page.
06/23/2021: Check out our own Mitzi Keating & Dazzle on the cover of the June USDAA OVERview digital magazine! Also featured trainer profile: member Le-Ann Elgie!
06/19/2021: The Bay Team inaugural Nosework event is now live! It's an NACSW-model Sniff-n-Go on Aug 14, at Golden Gate Dog Sports. All you Bay Team nosework addicts can come out of the woodwork now!
06/18/2021: Results are posted for the June UKI!
05/28/2021: Today's news from Kathy! "From the President's Corner" May Newsletter , Memorial Weekend. Updates on new website, June UKI trial, July USDAA trial.
05/10/2021: Cynosport 2021 (Oct 20-24 Tennessee) may not be local to us this year but they sure are bending over backwards to try to talk us into going! Check out the regionals and cynosports qualifying rules:
- To enter any regl tourney: no Q's or prerequisites.
- To enter regl tourney finals: A local Q in that tourney.
- To enter all tourneys at Cyno: One Q in any local/regl tourney.
- To enter Cyno semi's:
- A bye from a regl final in that tourney, or,
- Two First Places/Q's in that tourney from local trials.
04/19/2021: Here's updates from president Kathy about our summer event plans - could be as many as 5 events, welcome back from stay-at-home!
04/12/2021: Congrats to everyone on a wonderfully successful Apr 10-11 USDAA at Santa Rosa! Results are posted, well done everyone. Also our president Kathy gave us a heads up that the Bay Team December trial will be on Dec 4-5 this year - at Santa Rosa, save the date!
04/05/2021: Check out Kathy Quiroz's latest email that our May USDAA is cancelled but plans are afoot to hold the July 4th USDAA, at Prunedale, yay!
03/18/2021: Woo hoo, here's Kathy Quiroz's announcement with details about the Apr 10-11 USDAA at Santa Rosa! AAAAnd, the premium is POSTED now!
02/27/2021: Just for grins, since the meeting had a bunch of questions about it:
+2020 USDAA rules changes announcement.
+2020 USDAA Jump Height Chart.
02/25/2021: Got Questions About USDAA?? What ARE They doing with jump heights, divisions, small dog bias, Cynosport, migrating @Home Qs and where are my titles??? Well you can now ask Rachel Evers, Director of Group and Competitor Services with USDAA, directly at our Zoom General Meeting!
Send your burning questions to!
Zoom link will be emailed on Friday so you can join us on Saturday at 4:30 pm and get answers to all of your USDAA questions from Rachel Evers!
PS Congrats to Rachel on her promotion - if anyone can whip USDAA into great shape, our own Rachel can!
02/09/2021: Changes to the Bay Team board! We are sad to see secretary Tracy Yarlott-Davis moving away, you were a wonderful voice on the board, best wishes for your next adventure. Thanks to MAL David Kurtz for stepping up to be secretary. Welcome to Scott Black who has been appointed to fill David's MAL vacancy!
02/09/2021: Save the date! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP ZOOM MEETING on Saturday FEB 27, 430PM!
Also heads up that our March USDAA is now slipped to Apr 10-11, hopefully still at Santa Rosa. The board is inviting feedback on the holding of this trial - email president Kathy Quiroz for the link to the survey, if you missed the email about it.
For Bay Team historians, news from years prior to 2021 can be found archived on our previous wiki.
Copyright 2022, The Bay Team, Inc. Many of the site's photos are courtesy of Katy Robertson.